We will be offering a “Used Instrument Exchange” at this year’s festival. Faculty and registrants may bring up to three used instruments (maximum 2 dulcimers) to sell. As a courtesy to our builders, please do not bring any dulcimers that were built by one of our vendors. Sales are facilitated directly between the buyer and the seller.
You may display your used instrument(s) on one of the tables in the Used Instrument Exchange Room. Please include a legible, printed, 3x5 card that lists relevant information about your instrument(s) (i.e., builder, asking price, your name and cell number). Any interested buyer will be asked to text you directly and you can determine when you will meet during the festival and who (if necessary) inquired/ offered to buy first.
Those selling an instrument will be asked to help supervise the Used Instrument Exchange Room for a short period during an unscheduled time during the Festival (between workshops, breaks, etc.). A timesheet will be in the room to facilitate orderly scheduling; please sign up for a time slot when you deliver your instruments. The room will only be open when supervised. (A PDC member will periodically check in to assist if needed.)
If you are bringing a used instrument to sell, please let us know in advance, by April 18th, if possible. Send an email to, and put “Used Instrument Exchange - (your last name)” in the subject field. You can list the instrument(s) in the email. This is not required; it will simply help us to plan more efficiently in setting up the room.
Once an instrument is sold, we will ask that the instrument and any related information be removed from the room. All unsold instruments should be out of the room prior to Saturday evening's concert.
· The PDC will ask that prospective buyers handle all used instruments with the love and care that they have been accustomed to receiving.
· The PDC is not responsible for any damage or loss to instruments due to using this service.
· The PDC receives no remuneration for this service, but simply provides it for our attendees’ convenience.